Sunday, February 13, 2011

DAR Error When Creating Repository on Documentum 6.6 Windows 2008

When creating a new repository on Documentum 6.6 for Windows 2008 64bit with MSSQL 2008, you will encounter an error indicating that there are 3 DARs that failed to install (actually there are 4 failed but the "preset" is not shown).

This is due to a bug in composer that is fixable by This patch currently is not for public release and you need to raise a service request to get the file using Powerlink account.

I did try to work without this patch, and the solution is to install the DARs manually using installer from:

dar files="presets, smart container, dmsclient, webtop"

Powerlink Reference

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to install Documentum 6.6 with SQL Server 2008 64bit

I tried installing the shiny new EMC Documentum 6.6 after my suggestion to an EMC forum that we should simplify Documentum installation. Unfortunately, we could wait another release as things didn't go any easier on 6.6, the introduction of support to Windows 2008 64bit made it a lot harder.

For those lost in the dark, here are the exact step-by-step procedure to get it right. Any deviation from this procedure will guarantee a failed installation.

1. Install Windows 2008 64bit
2. Install Windows Service pack 1
3. Install MS SQL Server 2008 64bit mode
3.1 then create a CASE SENSITIVE instance (on the next tab called "Collation" after you are prompted for SQL Agent User)
4. Install MS SQL Server 2008 SP1 64bit, get it from here
5. Install MS SQL 2008 Command Line utilities from here
6. Create an ODBC entry but do not use the ODBC from Control Panel. Run the program from "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe"
7. Install Documentum 6.6 (as you normally would)
8. Create a new Repository

I got the procedures from EMC Community thanks to Laurence Hart for his "Pie on Content Management" and Powerlink

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Documentum and C# .Net

This is a code sample of C# and Documentum.

Things to remember:
  1. You need DFC with the Primary Interoperability Assembly. Since the introduction of DFS, the latest DFC that supports this is 5.3
  2. DFC and Java must be installed on your dev machine.
  3. I used the free Visual Studio C# 2008 Express from Microsoft to test this

string DOCBASE = "gel";
string DOCBASE_USER = "dmadmin";
string DOCBASE_PWD = "dmadmin";
string DOCBASE_FOLDER = "/BDO Ocav";
DFCLib.DfClientX clientX = new DFCLib.DfClientX();
DFCLib.IDfClient client;
DFCLib.IDfSession session;

//this is how you connect to the repository

private void OpenDctm()

client = clientX.getLocalClient();
DFCLib.IDfLoginInfo loginInfo = clientX.getLoginInfo();
session = client.getSharedSession(DOCBASE, loginInfo, "MyKey");

//this is saving a sample file

private void SaveFileToDCTM()
DFCLib.IDfSysObject document = (DFCLib.IDfSysObject)session.newObject("dm_document");
document.setObjectName("Test from C#");

There are two ways to update the attributes (metadata).

  1. Use the document.setString(string attributeName, string attributeStringValue)
  2. Use DQL query

Here's the snippet for DQL query, you need to palce this after

DFCLib.IDfQuery q = clientX.getQuery();
q.setDQL("update bdo_archives_ocav object set " +
" bdo_ocav_branch_code = '" + branch_code + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_check_number = '" + check_number + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_amount = '" + amount + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_account_number = '" + account_number + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_brstn = '" + brstn + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_clearing_window = '" + clearing_window + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_scanned_by = '" + scanned_by + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_accessed_by = '" + accessed_by + "', " +
"set bdo_ocav_xml_source = '" + fileSourceFromClient + "' " +
" where r_object_id = '" + o_id + "'");
q.execute(session, 3);

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Documentum 6 Doesn't Run Properly After Changing the IP or Hostname

If you're on a DHCP and the IP did changed, or for some reason you tried to mess up with the hostname and changed it to something else, you wont be able to use your docbase anymore. The bad thing is, you won't see any error while loading, in fact the docbase will startup normally.

The solution was posted on Powerlink, the versions affected are Documentum 6 and Documentum 6.5, you need to download a patch on the name "pkiD6ChangeId.bat".

[DM_SESSION_E_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE]error: "Could not authenticate the client installation for reason: Client hostname in authentication string doesn't match value in registry" 

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Documentum Transformation Service 5.3 SP2

Documentum Transformation Service 5.3 SP2 on Windows 2003 and MS Office 2003

When you remove the instance using the DTS Configuration Utility, the instance on the docbase is not removed as seen from DA

How to Remove DTS from Docbase?
1. Login to DA
2. On DQL, execute to check: select * from cts_instance_info
3. Delete cts_instance_info: delete cts_instance_info object
4. Delete /System/Media Server folder, all contents
5. Delete /System/Applications/CTSTransformRequest, all contents
6. Delete /System/Applications/Media Server if exists
7. Restart docbase

Friday, August 10, 2007

Introduction to Documentum (for dummies)

Documentum is another entity before EMC bought a few years back. Since EMC is into selling storage, they might as well sell a software that store those very important information.

If we are talking about thousands of files, sure it could fit in your NAS, or probably a 80G hdd shared on your network.

Well Documentum is not for just storing documents. Where it matters is in storing regulated documents, where audit is strictly implemented, and ACL is highly enforced. Much like the FBI's "it's beyond your paygrade", or "you're on a need to know basis". Documentum solved exactly that problem.

While 10 years ago the tech word of the day is "database" and "dba", our time sees it as a necessity. And if you have 1000+ computers and each of them storing files elsewhere, then you got a problem.

Take for example a stealth technology, you wouldn't save those records on a file server, or just inside the database, because you cannot make efficient audit on the server. Put it in an enterprise content management software (ECM), and you even get an SMS when someone opens any file relating to stealth technology.

Now imagine you're a company and you have discovered a possible cure for cancer, you don't want other coporate users just view the scientific tests would you? Not even the scientists should be able to see 100% of the result and make copies of it. That's because somebody is eying on that scientist and possibly offeering a huge amount for the formula.

Documentum's today is on the top of the food chain. It's nearest rival is Filenet and IBM Content Management. Last year, IBM acquired Filenet to compete head to head with EMC.

When we talk about Documentum, there are key software behind it (products)
1. Content Server (the Documentum server)
2. Webtop (the primary user interface, webbased) - typically http://yourserver/webtop
3. DA (documentum administrator interface) - typically http://yourserver/da

This should be enough to manage the ACL and Documents as you want it, it also has workflow bundled with it. Workflow is the ability to automatically route documents for approval. You create a workflow template and Documentum sends the documents to the proper recipient. You can add conditions like rejected/approved/return to owner.

Now, as humans, we don't see everything as enough. So we desire for more, like:
1. Fulltext Index Server - creates word per word search results. Documentum will search even the words inside the MSWord file.
2. Captiva - an imaging software. Full text cannot search words inside images, so you need captiva to do OCR during scanning.
3. Records Manager - if you want to convert documents into records, important for legal offices
4. Documentum Transformation Services (DTS) - sometimes you don't want user to load the Word file, so you automate the creation of PDF or JPEG, and presents it to the user
5. Brava - if you don't want to install the expensive MSOffice on all 10000 corporate computers, install this and you get instant Viewer, this is an addon to Webtop. Unfortunately, runs on Windows server only, meaning your web server must be installed in Windows.
6. And many more...

And since we are realy humans we doon't want to chew what EMC is feeding us, we want to do it our way:
1. DFC - Documentum foundation classes, a set of java classes to access the Content Server. It also comes with .Net interoperability assembly, meaning, you can program it using .Net, beware thoug, it's slower, because it calls the Java classes in return
2. WDK - while the above is for the Window based or console based application, WDK is for customizing Webtop.
4. Business Process Manager - you know external users cannot access the Content Server, and it's really hard to create template on the built-in workflow, BPM claimed to be super enhanced workflow (still no match with Filenet's workflow, no wonder why IBM acquired it)
5. Documentum Application buildere (DAB) - when you import/export or modify the Docbase/Repository on the Content Server, you basically create an XML file, DAB simplifies import/export and ultimately the creation of XML files.
7. again... more...

But the above mentioned are the most essential.

What platform/OS does it run?
1. Solaris
2. AIX
3. HP-UX
4. Linux (Redhat/Fedora - sorry other Linux guys, these are the only ones I personally tested with)
5. Windows 2000+ Server

What Database?
1. Oracle
2. DB2
3. Sybase
4. MSSQL - would you believe MSSQL is the most number of DB being used by Documentum?

What web server?
1. Apache Tomcat (suggested is 5.0.28 and above, works like a charm, our production actually runs Tomcat)
2. Websphere 5 (and above)
4. Web Logic

What Java version?
1. No need to install Java, it comes with it's own version of Java

Where to get the installer?

You can get all of it from provided that you have accounts with EMC. Since most of the time you don't, I can't think of any other way but to ask it from your vendor.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

How I ended up with Documentum?

Hi. I'm kris and I am currently working as a Documentum Administrator for a Japanese IT company, I am assigned to a global pharmaceutical company - this is where content management matters most.

I came from a solid background in software development before I made a move to content management software.

I've been into this technology for almost three years now, I started out as presales/technical, and now on my first year in a production environment for life science.

During my early stage of learning, I noticed that resources are scarce, even google messed up with the results. I found out a very intersting and helpful website - by Blue Fish. I made several posts on the forum under the user krispradez.